Ethan Fuller


FC: Lennart Richter
DoB: 26th June 2015
Height: 187cm / 6'1.5"
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Short, blond + brown
Build: Prominent collarbone and v-line; visible rib bumps; fine hair on his forearms and happy trail; defined jaw and cheekbones, kinda scrawny
Weight: On the lower boundary for what is considered healthy
Personality: Ethan seems flips between two moods/mindsets. In one, he believes he is the best person there is and that he can do no wrong. He's calm and collected, doing what needs to be done. In the other, he lashes out and believes the world is out to get him. This is when he's most likely to drink or take some other substance. He's homophobic, misogynistic, etc
Job: Drug manufacturer and dealer; occasional tester for Larom products
Other Trivia: Takes Prozac; prefers things in threes; borderline alcoholic; enjoys social commentary with criticism


Ethan was born on the 26th of June, 2015, to John (FC: Stephen Ritts) and Lucy (FC: Liz Parks) Fuller in England. Growing up in a rural village, Ethan learnt about the importance of making connections with others during his sheltered childhood. His mother helped push him to become a high-achieving pupil from a young age, while his father taught him how to be tough and focused.

When he was 10, his parents split up in a seemingly sudden divorce. Truth be told, they disagreed over the direction Larom Industries was heading alongside a family tragedy. John was removed from his position of accountant for the company and made to find work elsewhere.
The tragedy happened a couple years prior, when Ethan and his mother dropped off his younger brother - still an infant - at his grandfather's in order to be looked after. Due to miscommunication, a prototype and personal android the grandfather was working on ended up unfortunately, by accident, killing the baby. Lucy didn't respond at all once she found out what happened, while John was overcome with grief. Feeling as though her husband is weak, while he thinks she is cold-hearted and emotionless, the rising conflict began to divide them until they could take no more.
Ethan, believing his sibling simply remains in his grandfather's care indefinitely, remains unaware of what happened. He knows better than to question things.

In his school's sixth form Ethan studied business studies, maths, and sociology for A-levels, having previously taken maths, English lang. and lit., triple award science, German, philosophy and ethics, media studies, psychology, and computer science for GCSEs. Afterwards, he studied Economics and Management at Oxford for 3 years.

Having focused so intensely on his studies, he was dissuaded from forming any attachments, mainly romantic, as they were seen as a 'distraction'.

During his final year in Uni, he was seen perching on the edge of a window ledge. Onlookers saw this as a suicide attempt and alerted staff. In reality, he was trying to reach some notes that had been picked up by a gust of wind and carried out the window. However, due to this, a safeguarding plan was drawn up where he has to spend the night with a trusted individual. This meant that he ended up living with his parents, and to this day still does.

As Larom Industries expanded, and Ethan finished his studies, his mother made the decision to move the headquarters to America - attracted by the development of androids - meaning that the family moved too (his father didn't want to create a hassle with split parents living abroad).

Currently he resides in Detroit, staying with his mother during the week and his father on weekends.
His mother owns a large house, comparable to Carl Manfred's mansion, for which she hires a Mexican maid called Carla (FC: Yalitza Aparicio) to look after. Due to Lucy's busy work schedule, Carla also acts as guardian of sorts for Ethan.
His father, however, has a smaller income and so only owns a modest apartment with a parking complex.
Ethan has a slight drinking problem, not helped by The Blue Rose Club and its bartender Kane. However, he is currently working on a KP300 as part of a personal project, also known as Kippie, which helps distract from his addiction. After finding the android in an absolute state, he took it upon himself to improve the thing, inspired by the tale of My Fair Lady / Pygmalion.
Ethan's dating Rachel, a woman who puts up with his views for his chivalrous side. They met a few times whilst at least one party was drunk, and after a few dates, she decided to make things official.


Writer’s Comments

Ethan is an asshole. I’ve written him as such in order to provide differing opinion on matters; so that people have someone to argue with.
However, this does mean a lot of his opinions are controversial and derogatory. If you are affected by anything he says or something is taken too far, please message me. I won’t judge, and I’ll make sure not to bring up the topic again.
And to all the people I write with: Never hold your muse back. Whatever action first springs to mind while writing, no matter how ‘mean’ or ‘weird’ it may be, just do it. Don’t ever feel like I’ll get your reply and judge you or your muse. Your character has specific feelings, instincts, and desires, and if they want to do something, don’t hold the them back. I want to roleplay with your muse in their entirety. The whole truth of your character, not a watered down version. Never feel nervous - just let it happen as it happens! And it’ll all be great.
Below are links to his twitter page, a Spotify playlist made with Ethan in mind, and the last two lead to Richter’s modelling site which contain more photos.

( Made with Carrd )